Newsletter 2 – progresses and upcoming challenges!
We just published the second B-CRATOS newsletter! Through a few lines (or…a long page), you can catch up with the big news and events of the past few months. We share our progress made, step by step, on the project.
In an interview, Robin Augustine, Project Coordinator, and Paul Wanda, WP leader, take a look back on the first two years of the project and question the present and the future: what are the upcoming challenges? What’s awaiting B-CRATOS teams?
As we have so much to tell you since our last newsletter, we couldn’t keep for ourselves the joy of meeting in real, which we did already twice (in Sweden and Italy), sharing not only pizzas but also fruitful discussions and live improvements on the project.
Then, we decided to tell you more about our team members, you can check their interviews to learn more about them and how they are involved in B-CRATOS.
You’ll be able to learn more about their direct work scrolling among the past webinars, that are all available online. And if you are interested in hand prostheses, you can already add to your agenda the next webinar with Dr. Marco Controzzi, in June.
Last but not least, we’ve another great news: we’re organizing a summer school in Norway, in September! We will put the programme online in the coming time, so make sure to follow us, so you don’t miss any updates!
Wishing you a good reading > Read