B-CRATOS 3rd Newsletter

In May 2024, the third B-CRATOS newsletter was published.

Within these 6 articles you can:
🔸find more information about our last Consortium Meeting in LINKS Foundation
🔸 watch the entire version of our successful webinar on Clinical and User impacts on BCI with Paul Wanda (BlackRock Microsystems Europe), Mijail S.(Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Ian Burkhart and Scott Imbrie (BCI pioneers and advocates)
🔸 discover our impactful infographic and “meet our team” section
🔸 learn the following steps concerning the EIC Innovation Bootcamp 4.0
🔸 watch the interview of Robinson Guachi – Senior Research Fellow Mechanical Engineer – and Burim Kabashi – Research Fellow Electronic Engineer – in Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna concerning their incredible work on Mia Hand!


Discover more here!


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