Precision Neuroscience Raises $102 Million to Advance AI-Powered Brain Implant

B-CRATOS on DEEPSYNC’s platform

Workshop in Gardanne on February 19th: programme available!

The Workshop Neural Horizons: future panorama within Brain-Machine Interface is on the BCI Society’s website
Project details:
TITLE: Wireless Brain-Connect inteRfAce TO machineS
START-END: March 2021 – February 2025
EU CONTRIBUTION: €4,475,059.25
TOPIC: FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 965044
Project Impact
The technology developed by B-CRATOS will have profound effects in several fields. In neuroprosthetics it bypasses damaged circuits in order to restore missing biological functions. It will also impact electroceuticals, Brain-Computer Interfaces and Virtual Reality.
B-CRATOS overcomes technological barriers of wireless brain↔machine↔body communication, and represents the beginning of a paradigm shift in how signals can be sent to restore function and empower individuals.
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