GEMIC, Dresden (Germany), March
Focus Session “Body Area Communications: Recent Advancements and Experimental Results”

Workshop at IAAD, Turin (Italy), February
Oral presentation by Letizia Bergamasco (LINKS) “Experiences from LINKS research projects. Brain-Computer Interfaces: the B-CRATOS project”

2024 International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics (DABCon), Kolkata (India), November
Oral presentation by Dr. Robin Augustine, invited speaker

Third Göttingen Neural Networking Day, Am Fassberg (Germany), November
Poster by Hunaid Hameed “Training of real-time robotic grasp decoding from neuronal population activity in macaque motor cortex (M1)”

Summer School DPZ, Bad Bevensen (Germany), July
Poster by Hunaid Hameed “Training of real-time robotic grasp decoding from neuronal population activity in macaque motor cortex (M1)”

COMSOL Conference 2024, Florence (Italy), October
Poster by Rossella Gaffoglio (LINKS) “Topology Optimization of Antennas in COMSOL Multiphysics: Considerations and Preliminary Results”

Society for Neuroscience (SfN 2024), Chicago (United States), October
Poster by Hans Scherberger (DPZ) “Training of real-time robotic grasp decoding from neuronal population activity in macaque motor cortex (M1)”

International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA – IEEE APWC 2024), Lisbon (Portugal), September
Presentation by Ali Khaleghi (NTNU) “Design and Modeling of Magnetoelectric MicroParticles for Neuromodulation”

Grenoble-Neurotech, Aussois (France), April
Spring school and presentation by Andres Agudelo-Toro (DPZ) “Restoring grasp with BCIs and deep learning: Preclinical studies”

18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024, Glasgow (Scotland), March
Presentation by Rossella Gaffoglio (LINKS) “Compact Antenna Solutions for Data Transmission Using Fat-Intrabody Communication (Fat-IBC)”

Workshop at the International University of Ecuador
(Quito), online, December
Presentation “Guiding the Mechanical Design and Integration of a Sensorized Artificial Skin for a Bionic Hand” by Robinson Guachi (SSSA).

IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference, IMBioC23, Belgium, September
Presentation “Advancing Brain-Machine Interfaces: High Data Rate Battery-Free Implants” by Aminolah Hasanvand (NTNU): Download proceeding
Presentation “Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Wireless Power and Communication System for Medical Implants” by Ali Khaleghi (NTNU): Download

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Italy, September
Presentation “Deep Learning for real-time neural decoding of grasp” by Paolo Viviani (LINKS): Download

6th International Conference On Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, China, June
Presentation “neuromorphic tactile sensors” by Zhibin Zhang (UU): Download

Swedish Microwave Days 2023, KTH, Sweden, May
Presentation “Fat-layer intra-body communication: 92 Mb/s intra-body communication with low-cost WLAN hardware” by Ted Johansson (UU): Download

DST-SERB sponsored Workshop on Recent Trends in Electromagnetics and Optics, India, January
Presentation by Dr. Robin Augustine (UU): Download

Biennale Tecnologia, Italy, November
Presentation “the B-CRATOS project and the Brain-Machine Interface to overcome disabilities” by Letizia Bergamasco and Rossella Gaffoglio (LINKS): Download

MEC2022, Canada, August
Presentation “Preliminary activities towards a battery consume optimization algorithm for prosthetic hand” by Alessandro Varalda (SantAnna): Download

The Society for the Neural Control of Movement Annual Meeting (Dublin, Ireland), July
Presentation “An intention-based strategy for grasping prosthesis” by Dr. Andres Agudelo-Toro (DPZ) : Download
3rd BCI – UN Conference, January
Presentation “Intention is all you need (to train a high–accuracy grasping iBCI)” by Dr. Andres Agudelo-Toro (DPZ) and Dr. Hans Scherberger (DPZ) : download
NFDI Neuro Workshop, July 2021
Presentation “Data Sharing: Monkey multi-electrode array recordings and Neo” by Andres Agudelo-Toro (DPZ): Download
Webinar on upcoming funding opportunities Within EIC Pathfinder in Horizon Europe, June 2021
Presentation of B-CRATOS in the framework of Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder by Robin Augustine, B-CRATOS coordinator: Download
UppTalk weekly, Uppsala University, April 2021
Presentation “Brain machine interface and the age of cyborgs” by Robin Augustine, Uppsala : watch replay
Project details:
TITLE: Wireless Brain-Connect inteRfAce TO machineS
START-END: March 2021 – February 2025
EU CONTRIBUTION: €4,475,059.25
TOPIC: FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 965044
John Doe
B-CratosProject Impact
The technology developed by B-CRATOS will have profound effects in several fields. In neuroprosthetics it bypasses damaged circuits in order to restore missing biological functions. It will also impact electroceuticals, Brain-Computer Interfaces and Virtual Reality.
B-CRATOS overcomes technological barriers of wireless brain↔machine↔body communication, and represents the beginning of a paradigm shift in how signals can be sent to restore function and empower individuals.
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